one for you, one for me! the louise erdrich edition

One book for kids paired with one book for moms and dads because sometimes, parents find a few seconds in their day to read something other than Goodnight, Moon. When they do, here is what they should read.  

Louise Erdrich is a powerful writer who produces prose that is rich and meaty, profound yet relatable.  She will have you laughing one minute and crying the next. Erdrich belongs to the Ojibwe Native American tribe, and her connection to her heritage shows in the loving, captivating way she writes about nature. She is also the mother of six children, and one of her earlier works, The Blue Jay's Dance, is all about everything that happens in that first year after having a child.  Whether the newborn in your arms is your first ever or your sixth born, there is a period of adjustment and growth when you bring a new life into the world.  Erdrich writes about the struggle to find a balanced path through caring for a newborn and her other children, her writing career, and her personal sanity.  Some of the moments she writes about are so real.  Any new mom or dad would find this book a comfort in one of the happiest but most exhausting times in parenthood.

The Birchbark House
By Louise Erdrich

Erdrich has written a solid collection of children's literature centered around Native American culture.  The Birchbark House tells the story of Omakayas, a young Ojibwe girl, and her family.  This would be an invaluable source of information for a study of Native American life and traditions.  This story has familiar material that readers will relate to, like Omakayas finding her little brother annoying, and this story has material that will be unfamiliar and fascinating like building a birchbark house.  The writing has a real Laura Ingalls Wilder vibe that I love.   recommended age: 7-12